اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

AS WE BLEED EACH DAY!.. Princestelek

This land was once pregnant
At the expected delivery day
Its offsprings were born noble
All were christened "integrity"
Everyone lived in self respect
There was a society of honour!

This land was conceived again
But now gave birth to new breed
The breed of shameless men
Who have lost their reasoning
These are men of no self worth
Whose erections are for the girls

These new men have no shame
Senses in them have travelled
Their chemistry pant after girls
They rape teens for 5mins fun
Leaving in the hearts of minors
Eternal horror and everyday pain

Their voices must be heard
This is not just a general myth !
We must bust the stereotype
The Innocents cry each moment
Seeking justice at all cost
This land must copulate again

            © Princestelek
(Image credit: Rightful owner)

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