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Passion for love.. marijanajtheferpopov


I tell myself:


get into it,


get going.

I am telling the same to you.

My shoulders are weak

for the sweet weight

I would like to lift up

to become

breaking news

which is being waited for

in front of the royal courts,

my King.

I am just a maid.

With respect to your greatness

I open all doors for you,

but I do not kneel and

do not bow.

All your halos

are without joyous glow.

Your sadness

hides behind your power.

It disappears when I open the door

and allow light into your eyes,

my King.

Take off that heavy crown.

When I step into your chambers,

close the door after me.

I will dare to stand straight.

You will be his law,

I tell myself.

I tell you:

you need Quin,

my King


I am on my way,

get going

I dare.

Let the bones crack,

skin fry to the marrow

and love worship you.

Make my passion noble

crown me with your giving

and I will give myself to you while taking.

Scepter, throne,

cloak, crown take it all off

and throw it away.

Cover me only with your

freed body

and rule while

crowned love and passion embrace us


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