اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Women roses.. marijanajtheferpopov

There are countless women in me
Neither side is mine
They poured their Lives into me
They're riding my veins
Their portraits
I live each as my own life
I speak on their behalf in verse
What oppresses, cries, hurts, loves
Craving, imagination, passion fires
He wants revenge
Il forgiveness
Or the life of Truth
Or theirs to be mine
Il my their
All those Women in me
They speak
Grateful to freedom
Which I choose by shouting
Women who are imprisoned in silence
Trust shown to me
I have the courage
Truth be told
Drawing with words
Their colors
In spilled watercolor
Autobiographical pictures of mine
To the experienced eye of the reader
It will all show
Believers in me
Countless Women.
marijanajtheferpopov @

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