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“Rainy Season”.. Heydayet Ullah Heydayet Khan

We have three seasons in each year,
Summer breeds anchoring hotness,
Winter nurtures cosiness and chattiness,
Rainy season has a befitting amenity with the best corollary for human being.

Rainy season is the best corollary for human being,
It nurtures them to beautify their respective expectations and anticipations,
They always rejoice what the Lord bestows on the world,
The Lord is a befitting performer of all the creatures,
Just for being with love, joy, peace, harmony, humanity and freedom.

When it comes on earth to quench the beings, 
It fills pond, pool, stream and farm field with water,
The blessing makes everything special with the blissful future,
And flowers bloom with the fragrant scent to make the world a better environment.

It brings a huge happiness to buffalo, duck, frog and children,
The world becomes an habitual lush garden to be sighted by the eyes,
We have a new horizon of the blessing on the world,
To live in a standard of living with the best amenity,
And the world is going to be a seventh step of heaven for the human being around the world.

By : Heydayet Ullah Heydayet Khan
Date : 12/ July/ 2020

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