The vicious circle, poem by Selma Kopić, BiH.. Selma Kopic
There are a lot of planets in space,
clouds in the sky.
Many birds share a nest,
together grow trees in the forest.
But the three of them
don't have each other.
The Earth would like to keep the Sun,
constantly afraid that he will escape.
She would want him for herself,
But, to warm others, he goes west.
The Moon would want the Earth
but can never touch
the one he loves so much.
And the three of them spin
in that vicious circle.
The Moon, young and bright,
sadly watching every night
the eyes of his darling
in love with another.
And so,
the Moon dreams of the Earth by day,
the Earth dreams the Sun at night,
I dream of you at all times,
to another you give your light.
I don't allow the Moon to come near,
I let him suffer ...
Longing, love, pain, happiness...
Every now and then
everything comes back,
everything is spinning in a circle, my dear,
Puno je planeta u svemiru,
oblaka na nebu.
Puno ptica dijeli gnijezdo,
zajedno raste drveće u šumi.
Ali njih troje nemaju jedno drugo.
Zemlja bi htjela zadržati Sunce,
stalno se boji se da će joj umaći.
Ona bi ga htjela za sebe,
ali ono ode na zapad
da obasjava druge.
Mjesec bi htio Zemlju,
al' svoju dragu koju toliko voli,
nikad ne može dotaći.
I vrte se njih troje
u tom začaranom krugu.
Mjesec, mlad i blistav,
tužno gleda svake noći
svoje drage u drugog
zaljubljene oči.
I tako...
Danju Mjesec sanja Zemlju,
noću Zemlja sanja Sunce,
ja sanjam tebe cijelo vrijeme,
ti svoje svjetlo daješ drugoj.
Ne dam Mjesecu da se primakne
i puštam ga da pati...
Čežnja, ljubav, bol, sreća...
sve se kad-tad vrati.
sve se vrti u krug, dragi moj.
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