اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Marine whispers.. Selma Kopic

In a narrow pot fade hydrangeas
from lack of sunlight
Through the dense vegetation
whispers the sea.
Playful children shout
from window to window.
In the empty restaurant
the dishes clinks after dinner.
Blue wasteland is the sky.
The garden is empty,
the table is empty ...
The ashtray is full of deep sighs,
empty is the soul that exhales them.
Od hladovine ublijedjele
hortenzije u tijesnoj saksiji.
Kroz gusto rastinje šapuće more.
S prozora na prozor
dovikuju se razigrana djeca.
U praznom restoranu
zvekeće escajg nakon večere.
Modra nijema pustoš je nebo.
Prazna je bašta, prazan je sto...
Pepeljara je puna od dubokih uzdaha,
a prazna duša što ih izdiše.

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