She wanted love.. Selma Kopic
The woman should have
left me more often.
Whatever she needed,
I didn't know to give her.
Did I have a mistress?
I treated her like
she was a mistress.
I gave her the house and the money,
and came when I wanted.
Whenever she was unhappy,
she used to buy dresses.
Now I look at the closet and know
how unhappy she was.
I didn't know how to maintain
a balance between
poison called too little
and the abyss too much.
She didn't want the money,
She wanted love.
Is this model
still being manufactured?
Željela je ljubav
Žena je trebala
češće da me ostavlja.
Što god je trebalo,
ja nisam znao da joj dam.
Jesam li imao ljubavnicu?
Ponašao sam se prema njoj
kao da je ljubavnica.
Dao sam joj kuću i novac,
a dolazio kad sam htio.
Kad god je bila nesretna,
kupovala je haljine.
Sada pogledam ormar
i znam koliko je
nesretna bila.
Nisam znao cijeniti
što je održavala balans
između otrova zvanog premalo
i ambisa previše.
Ona nije željela novac,
Željela je ljubav.
Zar se taj model još proizvodi?
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