اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

I FEEL YOUR PRESENCE.. Joanna Svensson


Already in the dark of night
Before the nymph of dawn
has thrown away her delicate veil

I feel your soul approaching
I feel that you are coming
I see a heavenly staircase
In the clouds at the break of dawn

I have seen you, Oh so many times
Aspecially a day like today
You always come for just a moment
I want to hold on to you - I really do so much!

To bend the borders of reality
And throw all the clocks in the world
Yes, throw them into lakes of past times
Just to once again relive
The time that is no longer yours

I feel your soothing energy
So very strongly that
My heart starts beating fast
The mild, sweet fragrance of your Amfora
The sweet tobacco of your peaceful pipe
With your hand - on my forehead
Always gives me - calm and rest

You've come down the cloudy staircase
To the tiny brook nearby
That's filled with tears of times that passed
And each year you do the same

You pick the tears out of times that passed
And everytme I feel relieved
These heavy weights of tears you take
Up to heaven - where you live

I am so happy for this soulful moment
Because I sense you're feeling well
And you tell me that when one light passes
Another new one will then light up!

©® Joanna Svensson
© Private picture Joanna Svensson

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