LIFE NEEDS YOU.. Lovelyn Eyo
I dedicate this message to all my brothers and sisters worldwide letting them know they deserve to live and are not alone #WorldSuicidePreventionDay2020
Skies not caressed by twilight
Life seems hard and tight
I have passed through this very dim light
Knowing it isn't a pleasant sight
But if you hold on you would win the fight
When in the going good times
Many flocked around you all the time
Like a treasure gotten
But during trying times
You seem half-past forgotten
As they fly away like the ticking time
You have so much to say
Your hope lost its ray
Feeling you are all alone-
Nobody's own
Hold on
Stay on
You are not alone
Look around you
You may see only a supernova
Depending on your focus
And not see the surrounding stars
Needing just the light of your focus
To see - never alone is you
Time to see and feel you are GOD's own
The invisible but visible CREATOR is ever with HIS own
His Angels star around helping your feet against stormy stones
Why not hold on to the words of life's redeeming tones
You think you walk life's steps alone?
No! At every step you got some one
On the same pulse who knows your pain
In the same ride with you under the rain
Remember when you fail to see the stars
Never means they do not star
Now you can't see me
But you can read me
You may not see GOD
But you can hear HIS words
Even through the angelic whispers in your heart
A touch of not being alone and apart
To you I extend my hands of love and ease
Through this written piece of peace
To hold you... back on your feet
The sweetness of September may you feel
Bringing you a new radiant focus
Hold on keep on this light of focus
Believing breathing -
(c)Lovelyn Eyo
September 10, 2020
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