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“My First Bed”.. Heydayet Ullah Heydayet Khan


You're my first bed in life,
It's a cultural residence of surviving,
In babyhood, you and I were very pleased in crib,
That made me fell asleep so easily,
I've gratified blissfully with an immense pleasure.

It was a cradle with warm blanket,
Which had cosiness and chattiness for me,
Mom sang for me a melodious lullaby,
Her sweet voice and charm smiles stopped the mourning,
And made me a satiated amusement.

Cradle is the only healthful thing,
Makes a baby feel good with a healthy mode,
Releasing a baby blessed feeling with a better convenience of lying and sleeping,
That makes him grow steadily with the prominence of crib,
It's the first hitch of a baby life's growth.

Cradle is a sacred sanctuary of an infant,
Which brings a calm harmony of babyhood,
Joy, peace and tranquility have emphasize in days and nights,
The taste of babyhood sways conveniently,
And the privileged amenity faces in a life.

By : Heydayet Ullah Heydayet Khan
Date :9/ September/ 2020

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