اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

LIFE.. Jigme Jamtsho


Life, wing with impermanence
Mercy is in the black and white
Nobody dare to read the reason
Pity is in every stepping stone
Stepping with closing the eyes
Love is in every creature we see
The heart plastered with iron
Pain they feel like how we do
Caged deep inside the core

How the world will be brighten?
If all the lights are covered
Candles are all blown with ego
Fire is murdered by cold mind
The world throbbing abnormal
By the man against the nature
Time will come very sooner
Will be drowned in the darkness
Sink in the depth of phantomic
And our cry will be loudest
But no one will be left to hear
Will leave the world in silence
------------- SILENCE -------------

© Jigme Jamtsho
Ink like Rhythm In Nature

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