اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

A Pickpocket.. Nirmal bhattacharya


How much of the cloudless cerulean sky
are you?
My noisy childhood suddenly grown adult
asked as if in a shy.
On the way to market I am.
Got me, little bum?
Get inside, I tell you
It's not high time I kept you in public view.
On the way to market I am
I have to deal with my yesterday's
pickpocket chum.
Yet to take my share, Yes, I am
or back home I will miss whiskey with ham.
So get inside, you little git.
When you are really grown up
I will put before you a grand dishful eat.
Before that no indecent dilly-dallying question
I will tolerate.
Before that
cerulean or not,
the sky above me is always within brackets.

©️ 2021

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