اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

An Unseen Mark.. Dusmanta Choudhury


Thou hath left an unseen mark
That pours in my ears as a lark
How soft is the mark so are thou
In thy emotions, but don't avow

Wisdom is nick-nacks, time aparts
Acts as underbreed, but not imparts
Venture as dream never does born
The unmarked mark, does work on

Yet the flow does never stand back
For a deep feeling does ever attack
Time has lost flavour, rolling so far
Oh great solace, hold on the door

Books cover faces, to wash it out
Lyrics lost tones,mind doesn't flout
Philosophy is buried,put up no voice
Life soul & supreme soul, no rejoice

Lighthouse as it is, in deep dark sea
Of the rest life,fluttery waves can be
No unlearn, the ever whelming mark
Intolerable the time's wrath, no hark

Emanates a voice, already did yean
Pleasure or pain, runs over the zone
Underacts the vacuous tuft of vibes
Perhaps the eternity did ,as scribes

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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