Denial doesn't change the truth.. Selma Kopic
Relashionship to me is
like welcoming at an airport
- great at first
and later
waiting when he will leave.
You plan, you you imagine ...
You never think
that everything could disappear
in the blink of an eye.
when you get what you want,
you have something to lose.
With our wedding,
we celebrated our last moments
before the dark side.
Now we hate ourselves fiercely,
as only childhood friends can.
No sex
since the baby was born.
And the kid
is going to college next year.
Denial doesn't change the truth.
Sooner or later
we must stop denying
and face the world,
regardless of the dangers.
Denial isn't just a river,
it's the ocean.
The world of pretense is a cage,
not a cocoon.
This is the truth about truth:
it hurts.
And that's why we lie to ourselves.
And we hope.
Despite reason,
despite the experience,
like children,
we never give up hope.
Poricanje ne mijenja istinu
Veza je za mene
poput dočekivanja na aerodromu
- u početku sjajno,
a kasnije čekaš kad će otići.
Planiraš, maštaš...
Nikad ne pomisliš
da bi sve moglo nestati u tren oka.
Jer, kad dobiješ to što želiš,
imaš što izgubiti.
Svadbom smo proslavili
zadnje trenutke
prije mračne strane.
Sada se mrzimo žestoko,
kako samo prijatelji iz djetinjstva
to mogu.
Nema seksa
otkako se dijete rodilo.
A dijete iduće godine
ide na fakultet.
Poricanje ne mijenja istinu.
Prije ili poslije
moramo prestati sa poricanjem
i suočiti se sa svijetom
bez obzira na opasnosti.
Poricanje nije samo rijeka,
to je okean.
Svijet pretvaranja je kavez,
a ne čahura.
Ovo je istina o istini:
ona boli.
I zato lažemo.
I nadamo se.
Unatoč razumu,
unatoč iskustvu,
poput djece.
nikada se ne prestajemo nadati.
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