اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Manner Of Living.. Marivic Nemi


When karma is like an enertia the ability to bounce back, be ready to the speed of conscience and the importance of direction.

When you tried to commercial thy beauty
and kindness without socializing into wireless connector and messenger
it may be the reachable amplification.,

When you are humble into the irresponsible gravitational force it is the biggest asset to magnet the hopeless power.,

When you are a silent listener into the noise of unpredictable wind thy success will be your voice not an echo,  the earmarks of thy own feature.

When thy personality having own peculiarity,  humankind will find out quite endearing that can be familiarize and inherit to the next generation.,

When thy sense of humor is being creative,
imaginative,  productive, cultivated,  motivated,  it is a superlative piece of skill
that passes through the dark side of life to see the brightness of alluring lifemanship.

©Marivic Nemi

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