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آخر الأخبار

Oh Cloud ! I Besceech Thee.. Dusmanta Choudhury


Oh cloud ! I fervently beg thee
A messenger of my soul to be
No wings I have got from the myth
The moon, I can't meet forthwith

Lost my thought its divine feather
Yet, yet I strive in vain, born another
Swilling earthly pains, from plessure
As the swan drinks milk from water

Yeasty is future, here hopes tremble
Playing in chaos,has lost its nimble
Step is mystic, let alone the venture
Vacuous are emotions,so take after

Oh cloud, if thou heavenly & eternal
I besceech thee,make me nocturnal
When the earth be in slumber chain
My mortal efforts wii not go in vain

Cool arms of moon light will cuddle
If thou be too kind to carry my soul
A thick dust of sin covers the earth
As my soul here faces divine death

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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