اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Remembering 'The Prophet'.. Dr Yogendra Arya


When I'm feeling low
When things fall apart
When I'm drained out
I go to Kahlil Gibran
He comforts me
Maintaining my individuality
Love  but don't possess
Give them not your thoughts
Be your own real self
Lead yourself to Light
We Talk when we cease
To be with our Thoughts
Out of suffering have emerged
The strongest Souls
The most massive characters
Are seared with Scars
Beauty is a Light
In the Heart
We are all like
The bright Moon
We still have
Our darker Side
I Realize myself
I'm both the Sides
Now I'm at Peace
With Myself and the World
©Dr Yogendra Arya
Gratitude Galore

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