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The Relentless Time.. Dusmanta Choudhury

Relentless time, whose heart listen you,
Never do ever I relinquish to bid an adieu
Looking about for, go under long long years
Getting along movingly, I never get tears

I adore it as a bud about to put its petals
Never do I try to open, as it knows no settles
Flowers die in buds if their petals man opens
So I desire not to see, under any

Oh God, it is your mystery, my ignorance lies
Though mind is a winged horse, but not flies
Dreaming of the world, none has dreamt
Situations do molest, it falls down in faint

Emotions run high, but remain unexpressed
Above all human actions not ever assessed
Let the water run, becomes my solace
Drawing smiles on lips but have no animus

All are in the sky, whereas sky is in all
As both run in the nature like body and soul
Grows such law, as an upshot for the heart
Let the spectral days pass, leaving me apart

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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