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A Mark, Her Soul Behind Throws.. Dusmanta Choudhury


The sweetest love, she does unfold
Since love was born at the foothold
Light and life were begotten here
Strive to taste the love's shower

Trappings of love,she so fashioned
Showing the rapture,as she rationed
Unabated is will, ever so emerged
What love looks but be so serged

Now warm in love,then cold in grief
As if the time has drunk the aperitif
A mark,that her soul behind throws
As all love from the eternity grows

The time has played role of a thief
And her divine heart knows no grief
She is a divine swan so drinks milk
From the mixture of water and milk

All that glorious from light & dark
For a divine soul, hate has no mark
Light in her heart that illuminates
All the truth,that from her emanates

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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