اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Poem.Songs of Love.. Dr.Maheswar Das


Songs of Love.

Heaven's pleasure comes down to earth
with all its wings of love.
As if  a cascade of love pouring in with  its dazzling lusture.
There is a song of  silence, heard  from the whisper of the flowers.
Tremendous surge of joy comes down  with
songs of cuckoo  and
other song  birds.
Beneath azure, the songs of  spring birds are  heard like a silent
 hymn,a sweet cnticle.

Oh,fairy queen of love
The beautiful  world is becoming  a living paradise in your presence.
A mesmerizing spell radiates  from your presence  making  the ambiance placid and limpid
Each moment of love song  is  leaving an subtle artistic  print  in the air.

The whole sorrounding is becoming. a fairy ocean   of felicity and
The whole  atmosphere is charged with a mesmerizing  spell
There is a vibe of songs everywhere.
It is a song of love and

Copyright@Dr.Maheswar Das

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