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The Sweetest Lyrics, She Sings.. Dusmanta Choudhury


The sweetest lyrics, she sings ever
Like a flowery brook in golden attire
Flowing with the sweetest murmur
Buying the human minds for ever

Her tone is so soft ever to hearken
Flying clouds halt in order to listen
And flowing rivers stop thair flowing
And birds listen her sweet singing

There is also life there is also death
Joys and sorrows roll on the heath
Pain in pleasure & pleasure in pain
Hope stems hope & nothing to gain

She is running, but moves nowhere
As if all visibles are beneath her
Words from book dance in her heart
Roots of all senses, can't lay apart

Joys ever flutter under her feet
Language of wind,so as to meet
Emotions run high, leave no mark
If it be matter, measured by quark

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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