اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

This is your day Osazuwa Osax C.. Chukwuma Chika Ocm


Happy birthday to you dear
Let the breeze, breeze on
My lips twinkle
Heart beat in treasure
Angel whispers to the world
Let human proximity in joy
Shade to shade
To and fro time moves on
Silent all the four corners of earth
No baloney
Lets meet to celebrate
The brave damsel
Worthy to celebrate
No spot nor defilements
In devotion I post
Reign in the kingdom of Messiah
Enemies slop in slumber of death
Let your star shine both in dark and light
Be impeccable
Be in light
Overcome and conquer difficulties
Merit heaven,
we rejoice for your birth
Happy birthday to you

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