اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

A View of Dark Night… Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das


DT 23.08 2021

A view of Dark Night

There was complete stillness.
There was no movement,no rustle of leaves.
A pitch darkness had
engulfed everything .
Nothing was seen.
Only the fringe of the trees
were looking deep dark.
It was a dead night.
A heavy downpore had swept the countryside a few hours back.
I was  among the trees in the meadows, galefully  observing the night.
The  only sound breaking
the silence of the deadnight  was songs of the cickets.
In the meadows  the trees were still, no rustle,no wispher,as if
all were meditative,
Praying the master of

The sky was cloudy.   and  inscrutable  darkness had wrapped the whole ambiance.  
In the meanwhile severe  lightening began with quick interval.
The lightening  sound was so much that  it was ,as if break the world into pieces
The night in the meadows was so formidable
Yet, this night was pleasurable for me
As, it is the ineffable master of the world who has created it.
And I love this master too much.

Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das@Copyright.

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