Her Eyes Whispers.. Dusmanta Choudhury
Her eyes whispers, unheard voice
Filled with dreams of noble choice
A sprightly dance,her mind dances
In attire of mystery,beyond prices
Heaven's grace, she has in store
Her thoughts & actions, too pure
Within her heart & in the heaven
Finds she the same,souls leaven
Mistress is she, over her tongue
Measures she word,so no wrong
No mourning words,she does utter
Roves not she in any solemn tenor
Meets she ever no stored thunder
Flees away from her all sullen rear
There upon a cause with no reason
Love laden her voice, soul's vision
One step is more,other step is less
All that's pious flows from her race
Oh high born! the heaven of her rest
So sweet her soul,and of all wisest
Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury
Filled with dreams of noble choice
A sprightly dance,her mind dances
In attire of mystery,beyond prices
Heaven's grace, she has in store
Her thoughts & actions, too pure
Within her heart & in the heaven
Finds she the same,souls leaven
Mistress is she, over her tongue
Measures she word,so no wrong
No mourning words,she does utter
Roves not she in any solemn tenor
Meets she ever no stored thunder
Flees away from her all sullen rear
There upon a cause with no reason
Love laden her voice, soul's vision
One step is more,other step is less
All that's pious flows from her race
Oh high born! the heaven of her rest
So sweet her soul,and of all wisest
Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury
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