اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Life And Conscience.. Dr.Okram Shakuntala


I am life
All the world knows me
I am alive
I will walk till the last breath
I don't know when I will breathe last
But with much vigorously
I go ahead
I don't break

But there is someone in me
That is my conscience
My conscience is someone
That sometimes scolds me
Takes me to a road
Sometimes I like and
Sometimes I don't like
Sometimes it opposes me
Doing something
In my life
To get pleasure
To be happy
To walk in my way

Oh my conscience
I respect you
I adore you
I promise
I never do anything wrong
I never do any harm
At any one in the world

But I request you fervently
Please don't oppose me
Do not stand against me
Let me walk
In my own way
Let me walk
In my own way

Copyright @Dr.Okram Shakuntala

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