The Day I Feel… Ro Abdur Rahman
The day I lost my land
The day I lost mothers
The day I lost fathers
The day I lost brothers
The day I lost sisters
The day I lost desires
That's the day
Which made me feel.
The day I fled to BD
The day I became a refugee
The day made me compelled
To be agreed with povertism
The day reminds me not to dare
The day I became a history to the world
The day I dragged into the slothful life
That's the day
Which made me feel.
By Ro Abdur Rahman
Date: 25 August 2021.
The day I lost mothers
The day I lost fathers
The day I lost brothers
The day I lost sisters
The day I lost desires
That's the day
Which made me feel.
The day I fled to BD
The day I became a refugee
The day made me compelled
To be agreed with povertism
The day reminds me not to dare
The day I became a history to the world
The day I dragged into the slothful life
That's the day
Which made me feel.
By Ro Abdur Rahman
Date: 25 August 2021.
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