اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

The eternal Journey.. Dr.Maheswar Das


DT.03.08 2021

 The  Eternal Journey                                          

We are sons of light  and ecstasy.
So, we  must introspect and  think
Who am  I   ?.
What is the purpose  of our existence  here.
Who has designed  this  creation.
We have not come  here by our won will.
We  have  been brought  here to this sordid  earth.

How long  this sombre  journey must  continue.
The  journey is beautiful. ,yet it is hazardous.
Hazardous  because, we fail to realize  the  tricks  of the benevolent
master; who  has  created  this.
He is so nice  a magician, so  good and  so kind.
He wants to play hide and seek with us .

It is said  ,it is  his  pleasure.
It is just like ,when we  play fun games with our  sons and daughters to see their  patience.
The creator is always wide and open.
Yet, we always complaint that He
is always wrapped by his Yogamaya and never let us to see
him .
But who has true desire to see the lord .
Is there any person whose sole desire is only to see the Lord and nothing else.
To see the creator ,we must  first try to see his creation.
He is widely visible through out the creation everywhere and in everything.
We must try to preserve it nourish it ,care it all.

But instead ,  
We go on polluting the air aimlessly,
till we become breathless in cities.
We go on polluting  the  sacred rivers of the world,
till we  turn it  to  drain.
We go on  polluting  our own houses,
till it looks like  a dust  bin.
Everywhere  in and  around our houses  there  are heaps  of filthy
and  dirty  things.
We go on  destroying all the beautiful things  of the globe
the  hills, the mountains rivers,waterfalls ,meadows  which are  constant source of pleasure.
Our eternal father has arranged it all for our pleasure.

But what we did ?.
We  mutilated  and destroyed Nature in multiple ways.
For which ,we are suffering.

To make  things  alright,
we must stop  pollution  and protect  his creation.
Then everything  will  ease, and life will be  plentiful and simple again.
The rivers will  flow  mirthfully.
There  will  be nice sweet  and salubrious  sun shine, cuckoo  will  sing  song  more softly  and stars will  be blissful
 Everything  will be alright.
Marvel and wonder will  again rule on the globe.

Copyright @Dr.Maheswar Das

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