اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

The Colour of Night.. Kalikinkar Rath


The colour of night not too dark
Stars showing the direction here
The moon anyhow the pathfinder
The nocturnal birds returning home.

Chin...chin...chin... the snake's prey
Eggs' dreams smashed beforehand
The ants measured the height to dwell
Yesternight rain damaged too storm.

Collected food in current of water
Again to search food to live
Nobody able to proceed beyond
The nature's Will the ultimatum.

The dazzling eyes of the gifted ones
Able to see the colour of night
Bellies show the road to proceed
The colour of the night the unique one.

Barking dog indicates presence
Scent of the flowers too awesome
Movement of ox to the cornfield
Never requests to light the way.

Wandering for some food to live
Sober and simple all over the day
White ants busy to enlarge structure
Of the family on wet-wood stay.

Cockroaches busy in dark corners
Day so dangerous the sunlight
Cat and mouse both on the way
Darky night the friend of both.

The colour of the night too transparent
In life journey to maintain distance
Like the stars the egoless ones
In large sky in stellar oath.

Too small flowers in beauty Heaven
Dazzling in the dark night here
Ocean reflecting heavenly bodies
Imagine the imageful the heart dear.

Journey in dark charms the light
Light unable to show such way
Inconvenience to teach us a lot
The colour of night the true colour.

             ( Copyright)

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