Time.. Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das
DT. :05 .09.2021
Time is like an epic where everything of the world is codified
The story of creation ,
The life of all the creatures and everything.
Whatever happens in the world with this time frame is temporary.
Time is the healer of everything.
It is the creator of everything, destroyer of everythingy
Yet it carries everything in its breast.
Time is a flow,a flow of eternity to eternity,from creation to creation.
Time is very important in social life as everything happens in life period,all the ups and down,success and faliure
We must make best use of every moment to make our life successful.
Time is created by the creator, the. sublime master of the world
It will mingle with him. Hence let us utilize all the moments of our llife for the good of the whole world to make our life sublime.
Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das@Copyright.
Time is like an epic where everything of the world is codified
The story of creation ,
The life of all the creatures and everything.
Whatever happens in the world with this time frame is temporary.
Time is the healer of everything.
It is the creator of everything, destroyer of everythingy
Yet it carries everything in its breast.
Time is a flow,a flow of eternity to eternity,from creation to creation.
Time is very important in social life as everything happens in life period,all the ups and down,success and faliure
We must make best use of every moment to make our life successful.
Time is created by the creator, the. sublime master of the world
It will mingle with him. Hence let us utilize all the moments of our llife for the good of the whole world to make our life sublime.
Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das@Copyright.
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