اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

There are nights.. Selma Kopic

There are nights

when anyone's nice word

would be a bandage

on a bleeding wound,

when a walk with anyone,

without a word,

would extinguished volcano

of the unspoken,

when the touch of the fingers,

of any hand,

would soothe

the disturbing trembling.

There are nights

that make you wonder

if they will ever pass.

But there is no voice,

no steps,

no touch ...

There are such nights

which are all of restlessness.

Ima noći

Ima noći

kada bi lijepa riječ,

bilo čija,

bila oblog na raskrvavljenu ranu,

kada bi šetnja bez riječi,

s bilo kim,

ugasila  vulkan neizgovorenog,

kada bi dodir prstiju,

bilo koje ruke,

smirila uznemirujuću strijepnju.

Ima takvih noći

za koje se pitaš

hoće li ikad proći.

Ali glasa nema,

koraka nema,

nema dodira...

Ima takvih noći

koje su sve od nemira.

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