اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار


My dearest, dearest daughter
How beautiful you are
Lovely as a summer's day
The day that you were born
Angels crowded your room

Not just because
It was an utmost pleasant day
But I saw for my inner me
The new life
Passing on to you

Through all the years that's passed
I have planted my little seeds
Of knowledge and pure wisdom
The seeds I was given
For my journey of life - just like yours

From my mother - since I was born
From my grandmother - just the same
Survival instincts
To pass on
To the next of generations

I remember it all so well
When I stood infront
Of the most wonderful
Miracles of all

And I knew
All I wanted
Felt that I wanted
To pass on
All I knew
All I knew
Just to you

Many years have passed
Since the day you were vorn
And all that I have planted
I find have borne fruit

I want you to know
How proud I am
I want you to know
That I love you
Just the way you are

I want you to know
That calm and safely
I can leave
When I make my journey
Towards the eternal light

Because I know
That you will always manage
So I can make
My journey safe and sound
In assurance of
That you always will administer
The wisdom you've recieved

And that you will share it
With the next generation
Just like I did
That lovely summer's day
So bright and so beautiful
The day you were born!

©® Joanna Svensson
© Private picture

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