اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Prayer.. Selma Kopic

On this holy night
millions of prayers
for health, for peace,
for prosperity, for peace of mind,
for progress, for forgiveness,
whisper lips of old and young,
male and female, healthy and sick ...
Forgive me, God, sinful me,
which has only one prayer
that my hot heart
be drawn again to his cold heart,
to light his way to me,
to be mine as I am his,
for better or worse,
in health and illness,
until death breaks us apart.


U ovoj svetoj noći
milioni molitvi
za zdravlje, za mir,
za nafaku, za rahatluk,
za napredak, za oprost,
šapuću usne starih i mladih,
muških i ženskih, zdravih i bolesnih...
Oprosti, Bože, meni grešnoj,
što samo jednu molitvu ima
da srce moje vrelo
hladno njegovo srce
opet privuče,
da mu posvijetliš put do mene,
da bude moj k'o što sam ja njegova,
u dobru i zlu,
u zdravlju i bolesti,
dok nas smrt ne rastavi.

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