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“Devotion”.. Heydayet Ullah Heydayet Khan


Devotion is the word of humanity,
It propels you to the righteous path,
That makes your  journey a better ending,
The highest paradise suffice you warmly.

Being human is nothing worthy,
If there's no devotional deed,
You never approached with the commendable classification,
The sweltering hell of fire welcome you disgracefully.

Devotion is a commendable deed,
To approach the Lord very closely,
To be a sacred creature of Lord,
To get the highest paradise.

Devotion has a gracious classification,
It breeds you the taste of both worlds,
The only thing is devotion in the world for me and others,
Just because it's the sublime track of Lord.

The Lord has everything,
He may provide us the befitting corollary with the best amenity,
If we are holding Him firmly with the straightforwardness,
We may succeed here and hereafter.

By : Heydayet Ullah Heydayet Khan
Date : 14/ August/ 2020

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