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Behold The Angel’s Horn.. Odichrist Bethel Hotpraise


It's a dawn,
arise and shine
Behold the angel’s horn

The just shall smile
The wicked shall cry,
This, the holy Bible prophesied !

Audit your file
Heaven or hell,
Chose one to dwell

One day you'll sail
Where you go, mayest I know  
Let thy work’s be a good tale

Audit your file,
In this part of life,
Covid19 is a friend
Leading men to early end

Who are you ?
A friend or a veil
A light or a gloom shell
Behold the angel’s bell

Like a chaff of a corn
It will blow away,
All that accumulated greed,
When will you make a U turn ?

O' you man !
Heaven or hell
Where you go, mayest I know
Live life worth a seraphic glow
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