ONE LIFE.. Sharmila Sharma
Look into my eyes,
Is this longing to be loved
Or the hope that is about to die?
This stick I hold frankly
It's a oath to my family
I have to give stability.
I have nothing to hold on
But a stick , a son and a wife
A pair of clothes
A house with no proper roof
No toilet, blanket or bed
We sleep on dusty floor.
Dreams are distant,
But I hope for better days
Pray for my family
And people like us.
To those around in the world
Dont make them go through this.
Like i am stuck
Inside this hideous body
I could bearly walk
But I have my responsibilities
And a family to feed
I have to survive indeed.
But I am tired down by fate
Wrapped around by poverty
In a desolate state
Yet, ever grateful to almighty
For all the natural gift, except feet
Polluted air, coloured water caused by rich.
My wife sings her sorrow,
To the frail body,
No table, no food to borrow
Only love keeps us sturdy
That's our kiddo,
But we don't believe in tomorrow.
Look at me now,
Family, surrounding and society.
Do I look a warrior from birth?
We fight daily with
Epidemic, scarcity, poverty
Weather and illiteracy.
We are the lamb in war zone.
The luckier and stronger survive
Some dies with disease, so with fear.
This dark unhygienic,uncertainty.
But to live, love and believe
This one life is beautiful gift.
©️ Sharmila Sharma
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