Hope.. Dr. Mirza Sibtain Beg
Hope is light in dark tunnel of life,
A dew that extinguishes fury of strife,
In mist of melancholy a note of fife,
Goads rightly the path with radiance rife.
Amid clouds of despair and despondency,
Hope like moon blows whiff of clemency,
Doors of aspirations open with frequency
Supples succour to attain success’ vibrancy.
When we are fastened amid whirlpool of anxieties,
Hope escorts ashore chiding tides with subtleties,
When twilight of our sprite splices with night’s notorieties,
Hope sails the ship undermining undercurrent of insecurities.
Hope is soul stirring sweet sensation:
Caterpillar to turn butterfly of volition,
Flutters to fly: coax, coalesce, and action,
A sunshine to gloom doldrums bastion.
Seagulls leave sea but fishes never lose hope,
Self- belief, firm will eases walk on tightrope,
See the sky, mountains, birds and their gallop,
Hope gives wings fly over peaks with fear dollop.
Copyright@Dr. Mirza Sibtain Beg, India.
A dew that extinguishes fury of strife,
In mist of melancholy a note of fife,
Goads rightly the path with radiance rife.
Amid clouds of despair and despondency,
Hope like moon blows whiff of clemency,
Doors of aspirations open with frequency
Supples succour to attain success’ vibrancy.
When we are fastened amid whirlpool of anxieties,
Hope escorts ashore chiding tides with subtleties,
When twilight of our sprite splices with night’s notorieties,
Hope sails the ship undermining undercurrent of insecurities.
Hope is soul stirring sweet sensation:
Caterpillar to turn butterfly of volition,
Flutters to fly: coax, coalesce, and action,
A sunshine to gloom doldrums bastion.
Seagulls leave sea but fishes never lose hope,
Self- belief, firm will eases walk on tightrope,
See the sky, mountains, birds and their gallop,
Hope gives wings fly over peaks with fear dollop.
Copyright@Dr. Mirza Sibtain Beg, India.
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