PICK IT UP.. Lovelyn P. Eyo
Many times it stays silent
Like muted screams
Sometimes it waves a hand
If only you can pay attention
Next it stretches
Stretches its fingers so far
Waiting for you
Wanting you to pick it up
And hold it tight
Guiding it right
Verses always wants you
Wants you give it life
So it can inhale and exhale
Sing and dance on immaculate sheet
©Lovelyn P. Eyo 2021
Like muted screams
Sometimes it waves a hand
If only you can pay attention
Next it stretches
Stretches its fingers so far
Waiting for you
Wanting you to pick it up
And hold it tight
Guiding it right
Verses always wants you
Wants you give it life
So it can inhale and exhale
Sing and dance on immaculate sheet
©Lovelyn P. Eyo 2021
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