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Love.. Dr. Mirza Sibtain Beg

Love springs love, a hallowed helical structure,
Sugar phosphate bones entwine lovers to tether,
Thymine splices with Adenine burn stronger,
Guanine cuddles cytosine grasp gestures stellar.

Love dances in veins as waves of sonata,
Ecstasies swell in strings via Medulla Oblongata,
Transcends glam quotient from hourglass data,
Synergises souls to illumine harmonious strata.

Glistened with golden gloss for tantrums galore,
Majestic gargoyles of longing creates a folklore,
Emotions cascade to heat sighs bring lava to fore,
Thermodynamic molecules burn for passion to soar.

Love shines like diamond in sacrifice,
Fragrance of rose, lily, and lilac splice,
Trust turns it to an in formidable edifice,
Scars heal, filigree of feistiness flail spice.

Love is not a flailed or feigned obsession,
Burn with desires with cacophonous passion,
As honeycomb without any tenuous trepidation,
Love splurges like spark for resurrection.

Love swirls with sweet rhythm of adulation,
Extricates constructions out of destruction,
Spirals up in giving having less expectation,
Perpetuates with flair of forgiving to saturation.

In love’s garden, no need of thorns of grievance,
Fills soul the with thrill of scarlet avalanche,
No revenge, no ravaging ecstasy or impatience,
Fills chalice of joy with drooling dalliance.

Love procures lovers wings to fly,
Resuscitates to be phoenix to pry,
And gauge ages with synergy high,
Procrastinates complacency touch sky.
Copyright@Dr. Mirza Sibtain Beg, India.
Photocredit to rightful owner.

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