اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Ozonosphere depletion.. Lucky Stephen Onyah


Greenhouse gas effect
Global warming effect

Invasion by corona virus
Pervading our perception
Ruining our daily routines

Defying threats from covid
Nature struggles to sustain
Living creatures she harbor

Earth sick and need healing
The galaxy hurt in sympathy
A call for a rethink is needed

While men fight to master it
It weeps for her laws broken
Her hid resources subverted

Our course became a curse
We cause harm to ourselves
As untamed our explorations

May providence be kind to us
Aid earth to preserve humanity
For she sorely need refreshing

Where balance is lacking so
Calamity naturally follow suit
Such advanced disadvantage

By Lucky Stephen Onyah

All Copy Rights Strictly Reserved

Image credit to right owner

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