اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Reality in love.. Dr.Okram Shakuntala


Oh ! Dear
It is true, you love me
But is our love real ?
Can we get its smell?
Can we taste its taste?
No ,never

Oh ! Dear
It is true, you love me
But ,is our love real?
Can we get the light of its love?
Can we get the dream of its love?
No, never

Oh ! Dear,
It is true, you love me
But ,is our love real?
Can we live with the love?
Can we get its touch?
No, never

Oh ! Dear
It is true, you love me
But ,is our love real?
Can we have the essence of love?
Can we get the life of love?
No, never.

Copyright @Dr.Okram Shakuntala

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