HARMLESS ZIGZAG ROAD!.. Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai
My love is like a zigzag road.
It is long and dark.
Who walk alone go straight.
Pure love always find a way.
Only two hearts one soul guide us the destination.
Love was here before the cosmos.
When you want to turn.
You always find me on the way.
Every trouble of yours.
I will stand by with you.
Forget the world can't harm you.
That makes you strong.
The world can't harm you.
Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@ India.
It is long and dark.
Who walk alone go straight.
Pure love always find a way.
Only two hearts one soul guide us the destination.
Love was here before the cosmos.
When you want to turn.
You always find me on the way.
Every trouble of yours.
I will stand by with you.
Forget the world can't harm you.
That makes you strong.
The world can't harm you.
Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@ India.
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