اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Painter and dream.. Selma Kopic


Once upon a time
it was a dream,
brought cheerfulness
into every gloomy day,
gave strength,
raised the will.

Once upon a time
there was a painter,
he colored fairy tales,
he composed songs with colors,
the colors gave life to his dream.

Once upon a time
one painter was ...
Now one faded picture
doesn't allow the dream to fade.
The longer the dream lasts,
the picture is worth more.

Slikar i san

Bio jednom jedan san
unosio je vedrinu
u svaki tmuran dan
davao je snagu
podizao elan
bio jednom jedan san
jednom jedan slikar bio
bojama je bajke bojio
bojama je pjesme skladao
bojama je snu život davao
jednom jedan slikar bio
sad slika jedna blijeda
ne da snu da izblijedi
što san duže traje
slika više vrijedi

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