اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

BELOVED… Priyanka Banerjee


Fire spreads up in the blue sky
As the Skylark flies high
With an impetuous drive to conquer Diana's heart and the tempestuous Psyche.
The naked bosom of Kilimanjaro drags the woods of thorny cactus, lustful lovebirds, clinging conch shells, golden beach of pining air !
Layers of smoke touched the lips of the mythical woman,
Frozen into the territory of  loved tales.
Dismissal is the norm of the hell !
The border between the majestic presence and solemn absence resist the woman
With white veil
Playing with sunrays, moonr rays, star light, cosmic vibrations of ethereal
Mist !
Once he kissed  God's feet
When slogans of love defied solemn protest.
They wrote her name upon her shoulder
Before the Apocalyptic union between bloodless veins and pomegranate cells !
Love oozes through the bright pores of the distant planets!
Craters ruled over those drops of water
That the monsoon refused to drink
And the  wet earth defied laughter.
Rocky paths pacifies the untouched heart of Ulysess' lady love !

Let's be alive unburdened by the words of Cupid's beloved.

Let's fall in love with love,
When the marching warriors assemble at the Synagogue.

Dog's  bones  destroy the logs
Of fire,
Awaken hearts of  sages;
Surges and the  silenced soul of the  metamorphosed  beloved.

Copyright @ Priyanka Banerjee

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