اخر الاخبار

SRAMITE SE… Rabija Hamidovic


Stojim na uglu potrošenog života
i gledam kako svijet ubija palestinsku mladost. Srce mi se cijepa
jer lete ptice slomljenih krila u nebo,
a  crveno perje natapa crnicu zemlju.

Sramite se muslimanski svijete
što mirno gledate kako gore djeca
u Palestini, ne remetite tišinu ptica
dok crvkuću u plamenu od boli.
Šutite i čekajte svoj red, sutra ćete
pojesti sopstvena crijeva u vreloj supi začinjena jevrejskim olovom.

Izrael vam šalje dvoglave aždahe što
bljuju vatru i pale nevine ptice koje tek treba da polete. Gledajte mirno muslimani kako vam Izrael servira krvavo srce na tanjiru, šutite i ne kvarite tišinu dok palestinske duše gore u plamenu.

Stojim na uglu umornog života,
gledam kako mlade ptice lete u nebo,
a ja nemoćna da im pomognem, osim da im vratim umrlu dušu u pjesmi...
Zato šutite ljudi i slušajte kako krv
 palestinske djece izvire iz zemlje.
Ne remetite im tišinu dok im duša gori u plamenu.

Izraelske granate ruše palestinske kuće ozidane glinenim crvenim lišćem,
drveće u plamenu pucketa dok vjetar
nosi pečene oči izgorele djece.
Maleni ptići u plamenu pečeni
izdišu na očevim rukama dok majka drži
krvavo srce u šaci. Gledajte mirno muslimani, sutra vas ista sudbina čeka.

Opet gori palestinsko nebo i vraća nam pepeo u ruke, ne boli nas ugašena vatra
jer je neka druga majka ugasila slanim morem.

Muslimani širom svijeta ujedinite se!

Autor Rabija Hamidovic Zvornik
Bosna i Hercegovina 20/10/2023


I stand in the corner of a wasted life
and watch the world kill Palestinian youth.
My heart breaks because
birds fly towards the sky
as they break their wings and red feathers soak the black earth.

Shame on you Muslim world, that you calmly watch the children of Palestine burn and do not disturb the silence of the birds as they writhe in flames of pain.

Silently waiting for your turn.
Tomorrow we meet to eat their own guts in hot soup seasoned with Jewish lead.

Israel sends you two-headed dragons that spew fire and burn innocent birds that do not yet fly. Watch quietly Muslims as Israel serves you a bloody heart on a plate.
Silence from you Muslims and by all means do not break the silence while Palestinian souls burn in flames.

I stand in the corner of a tired life, I see young birds flying towards the sky and I am not powerful enough to help them except to restore their dead soul in song. Be silent people and listen to the blood coming from the land of Palestinian children,
do not disturb their silence while their soul burns in flames.

Israeli shells demolish Palestinian houses walled with mud-red leaves. The wood in fire crackles when the wind blows, it bears the grilled eyes of burnt children. Little burnt birds exhale on their father's arms while their mother holds their bloody heart in her hand.

Look at this calmly Palestinian because tomorrow the same fate awaits you. The Muslim sky burns again and the ashes return to our hands. The extinguished fire does not harm us because some other mother extinguished it with sea salt.

Muslims around the world unite!

Author - Rabija Hamidovic
Bosnia and Herzegovina 20/10/2023


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