Precious rhymes.. Selma Kopic
The most beautiful are
the verses, the ones I don't write,
the greatest truths, the ones I don't say,
I fall asleep with the verses,
I argue with myself, I confide in myself,
and all in harmonious rhymes.
I often talk to you in stanzas,
and our secret conversations
make our memories come alive.
It's all there again,
that you have me, I have you,
that I absorb you with my eyes.
These are precious rhymes,
masterpieces of my heart.
In those talking to you
I’m both, seductive and smart,
there is no paper on which so much love can fit.
Very often my verses cry
and not knowing the reason why.
in them there are rarely hopes and joys
and they help me to come out
into the daylight
and not let anyone see
how much suffering
there was along the way.
You knew how to read verses
from my eyes
and that was my greatest
poetic achievement.
You used to write poems for me too,
it was my greatest
female achievement.
We love each other silently now
and we both respect the agreement.
There are so many unspoken feelings in me,
so many unwritten poems ...
A lava of verses and rhymes,
a lava of poems of all kind,
still boiled in my mind.
Najljepši su stihovi,
oni koje ne napišem.
Najveće su istine,
one koje ne kažem.
Uspavljujem se stihovima,
svađam se sama sa sobom,
povjeravam se sama sebi,
i sve to u skladnim rimama.
Počesto i s tobom u strofama pričam,
i ti naši tajni razgovori
čine živim uspomene.
Sve je opet tu,
to da ti imaš mene,
ja imam tebe,
da te pogledima upijam u sebe.
To su dragocjene rime,
remek djela moga srca.
U tim razgovorima s tobom
ja sam i zavodljiva i mudra,
nema tog papira
na koji može
toliko ljubavi da stane.
Vrlo često moji stihovi plaču
i ne znajući razlog zašto,
ponekad, rijetko, u njima ima i nade i radosti.
i pomažu da izađem na dnevno svjetlo
i da niko ne vidi
koliko je bilo patnje na mom putu.
Stihove si znao čitati iz mojih očiju
i to je bilo moje najveće pjesničko dostignuće.
Uobičavao si i ti pisati pjesme za mene,
to je bilo moje najveće dostignuće kao žene.
Volimo se sada ćutke
i oboje poštujemo dogovor.
U meni je toliko neiskazanih osjećanja,
toliko nenapisanih pjesama...
Uzavrela lava stihova i rima,
lava pjesama svih vrsta
još ključa u mojoj glavi.
the verses, the ones I don't write,
the greatest truths, the ones I don't say,
I fall asleep with the verses,
I argue with myself, I confide in myself,
and all in harmonious rhymes.
I often talk to you in stanzas,
and our secret conversations
make our memories come alive.
It's all there again,
that you have me, I have you,
that I absorb you with my eyes.
These are precious rhymes,
masterpieces of my heart.
In those talking to you
I’m both, seductive and smart,
there is no paper on which so much love can fit.
Very often my verses cry
and not knowing the reason why.
in them there are rarely hopes and joys
and they help me to come out
into the daylight
and not let anyone see
how much suffering
there was along the way.
You knew how to read verses
from my eyes
and that was my greatest
poetic achievement.
You used to write poems for me too,
it was my greatest
female achievement.
We love each other silently now
and we both respect the agreement.
There are so many unspoken feelings in me,
so many unwritten poems ...
A lava of verses and rhymes,
a lava of poems of all kind,
still boiled in my mind.
Najljepši su stihovi,
oni koje ne napišem.
Najveće su istine,
one koje ne kažem.
Uspavljujem se stihovima,
svađam se sama sa sobom,
povjeravam se sama sebi,
i sve to u skladnim rimama.
Počesto i s tobom u strofama pričam,
i ti naši tajni razgovori
čine živim uspomene.
Sve je opet tu,
to da ti imaš mene,
ja imam tebe,
da te pogledima upijam u sebe.
To su dragocjene rime,
remek djela moga srca.
U tim razgovorima s tobom
ja sam i zavodljiva i mudra,
nema tog papira
na koji može
toliko ljubavi da stane.
Vrlo često moji stihovi plaču
i ne znajući razlog zašto,
ponekad, rijetko, u njima ima i nade i radosti.
i pomažu da izađem na dnevno svjetlo
i da niko ne vidi
koliko je bilo patnje na mom putu.
Stihove si znao čitati iz mojih očiju
i to je bilo moje najveće pjesničko dostignuće.
Uobičavao si i ti pisati pjesme za mene,
to je bilo moje najveće dostignuće kao žene.
Volimo se sada ćutke
i oboje poštujemo dogovor.
U meni je toliko neiskazanih osjećanja,
toliko nenapisanih pjesama...
Uzavrela lava stihova i rima,
lava pjesama svih vrsta
još ključa u mojoj glavi.
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