اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Ray Of Sunshine.. Marivic Nemi


                     from the word "go"
                I stay in touch to myself.,
                    Be my own element.,
                          As a writer
                  It's my grist to the mill
                        Hate so badly !
                    Skating on thin ice.
                     Let off the hook!
                I am the secret admirer
     of kindness with long lasting beauty
                I am pleased to touch !
                  Freshness of mind
                      words of heart
                 departure of flimsiness
                    arrival of innovation
                  restoration of fortitude
          kissing the canvas of satisfaction
                      hugging in existence
                     Exploring New World
                          Live Together
                 Hold the Ray of Sunshine .,

                    ©Marivic Nemi

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