Everything is not true.. Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi
The entire world is deluded by
The moods and mental states
which are the expression of
the nation of evolution,
That is why the world
fails to recognise
the nature of truth.
God stands aport from
them all, supreme and deathless.
How hard the break through
Is this his knowledge
made of the subtle nature
but he who takes
refuge within the heart of God
Shall pass beyond illusion
The evil doers
Turn not towards the reality
These are deluded
Through many a long life.
Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi
The moods and mental states
which are the expression of
the nation of evolution,
That is why the world
fails to recognise
the nature of truth.
God stands aport from
them all, supreme and deathless.
How hard the break through
Is this his knowledge
made of the subtle nature
but he who takes
refuge within the heart of God
Shall pass beyond illusion
The evil doers
Turn not towards the reality
These are deluded
Through many a long life.
Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi
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