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آخر الأخبار

She Warmly Whispers.. Dusmanta Choudhury


She warmly whispers,in moon's ear
The sweetest words,not yet spoken
Like an urchin, the moon does hear
Her mother's words of love as token
She is busy,all night long,as in quest
Of all earthly love,for her,is the best

Her love laden eyes are blue in bliss
Either earthly or healthy,yet to know
As she gets the path she does miss
All women,born here heads will bow
All her wisdom,that drawn from God
Still her conduct is equal with a bud

Layers of conscience lost a battle
All the emotions are lighted in spirit
Where all truth,with hues of eternal
As normal stage of mind,is a tiny bit
Bright is an abyss,moon goes deep
Where for nimbus,her soul will peep

Truth of the truths, in her heart lies
What pain,what gains,don't turn her
For her mortal life sees above skyes
All lives,all deaths have lost sphere
Still she is born, moon is a witness
That covers her every night,as bless

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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