اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

The Positive way of life.. Dr.Maheswar Das


DT. 28. 07.2021

The  world is mysterious.
At times it so happens  in life
Negativity fills our mind and intellect.
We feel deprived,depressed and dejected in life.
Life becomes too much painful.
We feel as if every thing is finished.
There is no scope to rise.
Just as the caterpillar thought,the world is over.
Such type of  negative thought grips our  mind.

But at this junction ,we must not
leave the job.
We must  wait for a while and think positively.
This is God's world.
God  will do everything for us.
Nothing is impossible
In the world.
There is always time for a good beginning.

Then with this positivity miraculously a surge of  new sun will rise with  the
splendour of its smile.
All positivity will  be   flooded
within us.
We will feel ecstatic  again.
Our inner  soul will speak positive language
A sea of change will again envelope our life.
All blissful things will happen.
And make our life glorious.
Copyrigh@tDr.Maheswar Das

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