اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

The Sun.. Dr. Mirza Sibtain Beg


O’ star of heaven, glaring galactic sun,
Thy sight gets hearts of blossoms won,
Morn smiles, day gay, twilight gets fun,
Notes of night awaits thee for thy return.

 Its Romance with earth infers seasons and aurorae,
Thy miracle binds solar system, weaves its filigree,
Thy charisma magnetizes solar wind to flow like fairy,
Soothes environment, brings succour to plants and tree.

Glistened with golden spirit, jigs the globe with light,
Glorify the sky with rapturous rainbows beaming bright,
Green leaves shine like stars, birds chirp under twilight,
Winter tells thy worth, spring sings songs full of sprite.
Copyright@Dr. Mirza Sibtain Beg, India.

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